MEDAS: Assessments protect people
Assessments play an essential role in occupational health. They form the basis for occupational health statistics, and their analysis often generates indicators that draw attention to latent risks and the potential for optimising workplace safety. So as an occupational health doctor with the support of MEDAS, you can initiate effective and timely preventive measures that protect a company's employees from potential hazards and keep them healthy.
The MEDAS Assessment module is a program component that provides you with sound information and decision support. Users can define customised query parameters that present you with clear and detailed occupational health statistics and indicators for all previous measures as well as disease incidence.
Various filter options and limit criteria can be set when configuring query parameters and retrieving data, so that you only get the information that you really need and that is useful for you as an occupational health doctor. For example, with MEDAS software you can ask just how many employees suffer from certain symptoms, or what actions (e.g. vaccinations) were performed in a given period or need to be carried out again.